
Matchbook Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Matchbook Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml 2402323*-od

$58.89 $54.69 price per bottle

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WHY MATCHBOOK? As a farm kid growing up in the late 1950?s and early 1960?s John Giguiere was a confirmed pyromaniac starting various things on fire such as his father?s wheat field. At one point, fearing total ruin from his kids burning him out of the house and farm, his father took them to the city jail for an hour stay to impress upon his brother and him the futility of their fascination with fire. John and his brother answered at a later date by graduating from random fires to the launching of rockets which often blew up at some stage of the its journey resulting in more random fires and a call to the local fire department for help. They eventually grew out of this fascination with the ?Matchbook? but still have fond memories of the power they possessed. About the Appellation Matchbook has seven products, all focusing on varietals that perform well in the warm Dunnigan Hills climate. We blend a percentage of coastal fruit to the Dunnigan Hills wines to add structure and intensify flavors.

As farm kids growing up in the late 1950?s and early 1960?s, the Giguiere brothers were veritable pyromaniacs, setting numerous things on fire-including the family wheat fields. Fearing total ruin of house and farm, the boys? father one day left them at the city jail for an hour?s ?stay? to impress upon them the dangers of their fascination with fire. But it was to no avail. They soon graduated to launching rockets, which resulted in more uncontrolled blazes and calls to the fire department. Over time, the Giguiere boys outgrew their fascination with the flame. But even today they look at the Matchbook brand with fond memories of the fires they once stoked. Matchbook Wine Company is a family-owned winery tucked away in Northern California?s gently rolling Dunnigan Hills. The Giguiere family immigrated to Yolo County from Quebec City in the 1850?s in search of open ag ground. John and Karl Giguiere are 5th generation farmers who know the region?s soil, climate and true potential of the land. This knowledge combined with their curiosity and drive to innovate defines their determination to constantly improve the viticulture and winemaking of the region.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: 2018
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Distributed by: IW
Quality Guaranteed
Distillery   Tasting Notes    

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