
American Star Ghost Chili Vodka 750ml

American Star Ghost Chili Vodka 750ml vod455

$84.99 $81.99 price per bottle

The ghost chili is renowned as one of the spiciest chili peppers in the world. The ghost chilies are first hardwood smoked and then infused in our award-winning American Star Vodka base to produce the best pepper vodka available.

The key to this vodka is the perfect balance of delicious smoky heat and ultra smooth corn based vodka. American Star Ghost Chili Vodka will make the best Bloody Mary cocktail you have ever had! Ask for it at the finest restaurants and bars. Or buy a bottle and make your own.

80 Proof

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: -
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: FWH
Quality Guaranteed
Distillery   Tasting Notes    

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