
Beluga Gold Line Noble Russian Vodka 750ml

Beluga Gold Line Noble Russian Vodka 750ml bv1563

$174.99 price per bottle

"The noble Beluga Gold Line vodka is a perfect choice for a special occasion. Its strength combined with a soft taste highlights the drinker's decisiveness and sophistication. Apart from a special spirit and the purest artesian water, Beluga Gold Line vodka also contains ingredients such as rice extract and rhodiola rosea extract. The 'rest period' of the Beluga Gold Line lasts for 90 days; during this time the vodka acquires a balanced structure. The bottle for this precious product is handmade. The Beluga Gold Line is visibly distinct with its perfect shine and transparency. During production, the Beluga Gold Line undergoes constant quality control at every phase of production. The immaculate combination of handcraft and delicate taste make the bottle with an individual number a worthy sign of respect and a desirable gift. The Beluga Gold Line is a true discovery for connoisseurs of strong and gentle alcohol. " —producer

ABV: 40.0%
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: BHW
Quality Guaranteed
Distillery   Tasting Notes    

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